The Latest Teen Driving Statistics

The Latest Teen Driving Statistics

Car accidents rank as the 9th leading cause of death, accounting for 2.2% of all deaths globally every year. Among those deaths, more than half of all the drivers are between the ages of 15-44 years old. In fact, as far as younger people, car accidents are the leading...
The Facts about Distracted Driving

The Facts about Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is defined as “the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity, typically one that involves the use of a cellular phone or electronic device”. Checking and replying to text messages or logging into social media pages, for...
How to Deal with a Breakdown

How to Deal with a Breakdown

Keeping your car well-maintained is the first step in avoiding an unexpected, and possibly costly, breakdown on the road. However, sometimes no matter how much we prepare, unanticipated events can cause our vehicles to breakdown. Maybe an object flew out of the open...
The Most Shocking Driving Statistics

The Most Shocking Driving Statistics

Sometimes, just knowing some driving statistics and facts can help you be a safer, more conscious driver. There’s nothing more eye-opening than seeing the numbers in front of you in black and white to make you realize exactly how important driving safely is. There are...