by DriveTeam Staff | Sep 29, 2024 | Blog, Corporate Driver
If you guessed driving, you’re absolutely right. Motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities are at their highest point in 20 years. It’s time to reassess how this growing risk impacts you, your family, and your team. Whether on the clock or off, driving...
by DriveTeam Staff | Jun 23, 2016 | Blog, Corporate Driver, Latest News
Here at DriveTeam, we like to keep our students and clients up-to-date with the latest vehicle news in order to keep families and employees safe while on the road. We periodically share important news, like the latest update from the U.S. Department of Transportation....
by DriveTeam Staff | Dec 1, 2015 | Blog, Corporate Driver
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), every 12 minutes someone dies in a vehicle crash – the majority of which occur during the normal workday commute. Motor vehicle crashes can cost companies $60 billion annually in legal expenses,...
by DriveTeam Staff | Mar 16, 2015 | Blog, Corporate Driver
Most individuals driving today believe they’re good drivers- it’s the other drivers that we need to worry about, right? If this were true and we all practiced cautious driving, wouldn’t there be a lot less motor vehicle crashes? Clearly, not everyone is driving as...