advanced driver education

When your teenager earns their driver’s license, it’s a proud moment, but it also marks the beginning of a significant responsibility. While basic driver’s education provides an introduction to the rules of the road, it doesn’t fully prepare teens for the challenges they’ll face in real-world driving situations. To truly prepare young drivers for the complexities of today’s roads, parents need to consider advanced driver education, which goes beyond the fundamentals of basic training and equips teens with the skills needed to handle emergency situations and build confidence behind the wheel.

Standard driver’s ed courses are helpful for learning the basics—such as road signs, traffic laws, and parallel parking—but these programs typically fall short when it comes to teaching teens how to react in high-stress, real-world scenarios. That’s where advanced driver education comes in. It focuses on essential driving skills that help teens become safer, more capable drivers. One such program is DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course, a hands-on training that enhances vehicle handling, decision-making, and accident-avoidance techniques.

In this post, we’ll explore why basic driver’s ed isn’t enough, how DriveTeam’s advanced training can bridge the gap, and why enrolling your teen in advanced driver education is one of the best decisions you can make for their safety.

Why Basic Driver’s Ed Falls Short

Before we delve into the specifics of DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course, let’s first examine the limitations of traditional driver’s ed programs.

  1. Focus on Passing the Test
    Basic driver’s education is designed to help teens pass their state driving test, not necessarily to make them fully competent drivers. While learning traffic laws, basic vehicle control, and how to navigate surface streets is important, basic training doesn’t adequately prepare teens for unexpected, high-pressure situations they’ll encounter on the road.
  2. Minimal Real-World Experience
    Traditional driver’s ed programs provide very limited exposure to high-stress situations like sudden stops, swerving to avoid hazards, or driving on slippery roads. This lack of experience can leave teens unprepared to make quick, life-saving decisions in emergencies.
  3. Inadequate Training in Vehicle Dynamics
    Basic driver’s ed usually skips over the topic of vehicle dynamics—how a car behaves under different conditions, such as hard braking or sudden swerves. Without understanding how weight shifts during turns or how to control a car in a skid, new drivers are at a much higher risk of losing control during emergency maneuvers.

This is why advanced driver education is essential. It provides teens with the critical skills and hands-on experience that basic driver’s ed programs often fail to offer, helping them to become safer, more confident drivers.

The Need for Advanced Driver Education

Now that we’ve covered why basic driver’s ed isn’t enough, let’s dive into the specifics of what advanced driver education—like DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course—has to offer.

This advanced program is part of DriveTeam’s Performance-Based Driver Education Program (PBDE), which is a four-level, state-licensed training program that exceeds Ohio’s minimum requirements for driver education. The 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course is the first step in this comprehensive curriculum, designed to give teens a deep understanding of vehicle handling and performance in a variety of driving conditions.

What Your Teen Will Learn in DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course

The 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course is specifically designed to provide beginning and first-year drivers with hands-on, real-world training in a safe, controlled environment. Here’s an overview of the key skills your teen will learn during this course:

1. Proper Hand and Steering Techniques

Correct hand placement and steering control are critical, especially during emergency situations that require fast, decisive maneuvers. In this course, teens will practice advanced steering techniques that allow for better vehicle control and safer driving under pressure.

2. Backing Skills, Use of Mirrors, and Pivot Points

Reversing safely is more than just looking over your shoulder. This course teaches teens how to use their mirrors effectively, understand pivot points, and safely navigate tight spaces, improving their confidence and control when backing up or parking.

3. Weight Transfer and Rotation Points

Weight transfer occurs when a vehicle accelerates, brakes, or turns, shifting the weight of the car and affecting its handling. Understanding how to manage weight transfer is crucial for maintaining control during sudden maneuvers. In this course, teens learn how to anticipate and manage these shifts to reduce the risk of losing control.

4. Forward Slalom

The forward slalom exercise challenges drivers to navigate through cones at increasing speeds, helping them develop better steering skills and improving their understanding of their vehicle’s handling capabilities.

5. Parallel Parking and Maneuverability Test

While basic driver’s ed teaches parallel parking, the advanced course provides more extensive practice. Students also take part in a maneuverability test that prepares them for tight-space driving and ensures they can handle complex parking scenarios with ease.

6. Threshold and Emergency Braking, ABS

Teens will learn threshold braking, a technique that applies maximum braking pressure without locking the wheels. They’ll also practice using Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), an essential skill for maintaining control during emergency stops. Learning how to stop quickly and safely is vital for crash avoidance.

7. Crash Avoidance Techniques

Most accidents can be avoided if the driver knows how to react quickly and correctly. This course teaches teens advanced crash-avoidance techniques, such as swerving, evasive maneuvers, and lane changes to safely steer clear of potential hazards on the road.

The Benefits of Advanced Driver Education

Now that you know what the 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course covers, let’s look at the benefits of enrolling your teen in an advanced driver education program:

1. Increased Confidence

One of the most significant benefits of advanced driver education is the confidence it instills in teens. Gaining hands-on experience in a variety of driving situations builds their confidence and helps them feel more in control, leading to safer driving habits.

2. Preparation for Emergency Situations

Real-world driving can be unpredictable. By teaching teens how to handle high-pressure situations—like sudden stops, slick roads, or obstacles—advanced driver education ensures they are better prepared to make quick, life-saving decisions on the road.

3. Reduced Risk of Accidents

Studies have shown that young drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents due to inexperience. Advanced driver training focuses on critical, real-world skills that significantly reduce the risk of accidents, such as crash avoidance, emergency braking, and advanced steering techniques.

4. Mastery of Vehicle Dynamics

Understanding how a vehicle responds to various driving conditions, such as hard braking or tight turns, gives teens the ability to control their car more effectively. Mastering vehicle dynamics is key to becoming a skilled driver who can handle any situation with confidence.

DriveTeam’s Performance-Based Driver Education Program (PBDE)

The 2-Day Advanced Skills Course is just the beginning. It serves as the foundation of DriveTeam’s Performance-Based Driver Education Program (PBDE), a four-level, state-licensed program that goes far beyond Ohio’s minimum requirements for driver education. The program spans 46 hours of training, with students advancing at their own pace, mastering each level before moving on to the next.

Each level of the PBDE builds upon the previous one, allowing teens to progressively develop a deeper understanding of vehicle dynamics and performance-based driving techniques. By the time they complete the program, they’ll have mastered the skills needed to drive safely and confidently in any situation.

Enroll in DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course Today

Your teen’s safety on the road is invaluable, and ensuring they are fully prepared requires more than just the basics. By enrolling them in DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Driving Skills Course, you are giving them the tools they need to stay safe, make smart decisions, and avoid accidents in high-pressure situations.

Don’t wait until after an accident to realize your teen needed more training. Equip them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to handle any driving situation through advanced driver education. Register for DriveTeam’s 2-Day Advanced Skills Course today and take the first step toward a safer driving future for your teen.

Opportunities to prepare for these daily risks:

safe driving tips

2-Day Advanced Skills

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